So this afternoon Josiah, Nellie and I went outside to get some energy out of Nellie. While we were out there, Josiah was looking for his little yellow shovel- with his batman mask on of course! He looked ALL over the yard and FINALLY he found it. He was so excited! "Mommy, Mommy, found my shovel". "Good Job, JoJo"! Well, you can imagine what happened next... Nellie stole the shovel. I have to say, it was pretty funny to watch the two of them. He kept running after her going: "Drop it Nellie". "Nellie, Drop it"! "NELLIEEEEEE". Sad to say, Nellie won! She is so fast I could not get that shovel out of her mouth. I think at the end Josiah just decided he was going to let Nellie have it instead of chasing her around the yard. It was too hot and too muggy! And of course the mosquitoes were getting him too. So at that point we went back inside. Have I told you I am looking forward to the FALL and cooler weather.
We finally got Jesse's 5 year old pictures taken a couple of weeks ago and I think they came out GREAT. I look at all of them and wish I could have gotten them all but it doesn't work that way. Enjoy!
The other day, Josiah was sitting at the dining room table reading his cherrios book and eating/playing with his cheerios. Of course my first thought..." blog possibility"! So I pulled out my camera and shot these. As you can tell from the pictures, he was having a BLAST. Enjoy the pictures and leave me a comment:) Have a wonderful weekend.
So today was the first day of school for Joel, Riley and Jesse. They were all so excited to go. But I think Joel was the most excited of them all. He was up at 6:15am and ready to go. They all got dressed quickly and ate their breakfast and were ready to go at 7am. I asked Terry to go with me because I had made the little "hamburger cupcakes and fries" for Jesse's first day of class. His teacher saw that I had made them for his birthday party and wanted me to make them for her class sometime. So I thought the first day of school would be a great time to do it. I made little "5K" cupcake toppers and stuck them all in. I think they looked great:) So after we dropped that off at school I had to get a picture of all the kids with their teacher. And off they went. They have a lot to look forward to this year. I am looking forward to see how far Jesse will come this year. He will probably be reading at the end of the year. They learn SO much in Kindergarten. It is amazing. Well, we started our year off right. We all got "happy reports" no notes from the teachers (yet). Lets hope it will stay that way. Got to go! Get dinner ready and get ready for another day! Enjoy the pictures!
Mrs. Joiner; Mrs. Walsh; Jesse and Mrs. O'Sheal Riley & Mrs. Kosydar Joel & Mr. Bosch.
OK, so for a lot of you this post does not apply to you... Your kids are either out of school already or you don't have any kids or maybe you home school. But I came across this list of questions on this blog and thought it was a great idea because I have three kids in school this year and one of them actually has a male teacher. And what do you get him? To be honest, it has been on my mind ever since I found out. So when I came across this post, I thought I would post it on here and tell all my "school friends" about it. I sent an email to all my teachers and asked them to answer these questions for me whenever they get a chance and this will help me out with Christmas gifts; Teacher Appreciation gifts; Birthday gifts; End of the year gifts; etc. So here they are:
What is your favorite… 1. Candy/candy bar? 2. Color? 3. Warm drink (coffee, tea, hot chocolate etc) & Cold drink? 4. Fast food restaurant & nice restaurant? 5. Soda? 6. Hobby? 7. Ice-cream (flavor and brand if applicable)? 8. Store in the mall? 9. Holiday? 10. Family activity? 11. Thing at Starbucks? 12. Way to indulge? 13. Sports team? 14. Animal? 15. Decorating style? 16. When is your Birthday (day and month)? 17. Cake or Pie? 18. Wal-Mart or Target? 19. If you had $10 to spend, where would you spend it? 20. Do you enjoy baking/cooking? 21. Do you enjoy to read? 22. Apple things for teachers…love them or hate them? 23. What is something you wish the parents of your students knew? 24. What is the most helpful thing I can do for your class this year? 25. Anything else you would like to share or would like me to know?
I have saved this in my word documents and I think I am going to send this to their teachers each and every year. I wish I had this list when Joel started 5K. I am looking forward to this year and can't wait for it to get started. And I have to say, my kids are ready too. Joel wished that today was his first day. Oh well, he still has one more day of "REST".
What a great day we had today. We were supposed to go to the zoo with my parents on Thursday but we woke up to a very soggy day. So we had to postpone our trip. So this morning we woke up to a sunny day and decided today would be a good day to go before daddy has to go back to work and the kids go back to school. So we met my parents at the gate and were ready for some FUN!. They actually were not able to stay long because they are trying to get ready for their trip to Canada in October and have some shopping to do. So they left and we went on. I have to say, it was hot but not as hot as it usually is in August here in Good Old Columbia, SC. And I think the animals liked it too. A lot of them were walking around and doing stuff animals do. The brown bears were playing together; the elephants were walking around and the big tortoises were also on the move. They even got to touch a real snake. There was a zoo keeper in front of the "aquarium" holding some kind of snake and they all got to touch it. Even Josiah did it. The kids had a blast, especially Josiah. He especially liked the penguins. He was walking around saying "Penguins, just like my Penguin". (Daddy and Josiah have a game they play right before bed where Terry throws the Penguin to Josiah in his bed and Josiah throws it back. They have a blast playing that game). I think the kids sat on every statue there is in the zoo (as you can tell in the pictures). After about 2 1/2 hours of walking around the zoo we decided it was time to go. (I think we pretty much saw everything anyway). Mom & Dad had given us some money to take the kids out to lunch. We were going to go to CICI's pizza in Irmo but when we got there, I think two daycare buses were unloading and we really did not want to deal with that. So we drove around Irmo a little while to see where we wanted to go and ended up driving back to Lexington and eat at Carolina Wings. The kids loved that because there were TVs every where. The nice thing was, we missed lunch hour so it was nice and quiet. The kids enjoyed their food. I did too, but I think I like D's Wings better. Thanks again Opa & Oma for a nice day. Maybe next time you guys can go with us:) Enjoy the pictures everyone.