Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tom The Turkey Disguise...

Riley came home from school today with a project to do for homework. She had a Tom the turkey and we had to disguise him as a different animal or character in hopes of avoiding being caught for Thanksgiving Day dinner. So I really could not think of anything, so I went to google and searched "Turkey disguise". Who would have thought...I think every kindergarten class in the United States does this project. There were 1,080,000 search results!!! WOW! Anway, we had plenty to search from. We decided to make a snowman! He came out really cute. And Riley and I had a good time making him:)


Mari said...


Sheri said...

Wow that is one cool I mean turkey!

Mari said...

Yeah that is what happens when we have kids the same age...but maybe we can swap. And alternate so that they don't have to be left out. Maybe have the boys go over to one house and the girls another. Or whatever. I'm not sure Donovan would stay yet...but who knows?!