Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Play date.

So today Josiah had one of his little friends from church come over and play. His mom had an appointment and she dropped her kids off at my house so Josiah and Walter could play. They had so much fun:) Both of them are BIG into Toy Story so Walter brought his Woody over and Josiah got his Buzz. Well, both of them were in "TOY STORY HEAVEN" because neither of them has the "other toy". So they both played with each other's toys. When it was time for Walter to go home, he picked up Buzz and a couple of other toys and ran to the door. It took him a while to figure out he had to leave Buzz at JoJo's house.

They really did have a good time. Usually when they get together they don't really "Play Together" but I guess that is the age they are at. But they had fun. We went outside and played some basketball and ran around. I have to say, I was impressed at how high Walter could get that basketball.

Angie, thanks for letting the kids come over and play-even though Hanna just slept. Hope we can do it again soon.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

What a fun time!! Love the pictures. Playdates at that age are always so fun to watch.