Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spaghetti Dinner

During Christmas break, Jesse and Terry worked very hard on getting caught up on all his activities from his Cub Scout hand book. One of the activities he had to do was cook dinner. So that is what we did. He decided he wanted to make spaghetti so I went and got all the ingredients from the store and we got started. He put on my apron and started cutting the onion, green, yellow and red bell peppers. Once we got everything cut he browned the meat. He did a really good job and you could tell he was really enjoying himself:)

 Of course we had to be a bit silly too:)

 Look at how proud he is of the final product.

 And it tasted good too. It made a lot so we got to enjoy it again a few days later.
***Tonight Terry and Jesse worked on some more cub scout assignments and he is officially a "WOLF" tonight. He is So exctied. And I am very proud of him. He has such a good time with the Cub scouts. I can't wait to see what God has in store for him with the cub scouts/boy scouts. Who knows, maybe HE will go all the way and become an eagle scout!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

You've Got A Friend In Me...

The Friday before Josiah's best friend Walter moved to St. Louis, he got to come over and play one more time while his mom Angie was at home with the movers. They had such a great time together. They got to play the WII, watch a movie and while Walter's sister Hanna was taking a nap the big boys got to play on the trampoline. As you can tell from the pictures, they had SUCH a great time. We decided it would be a great time to have some "silly" pictures taken oven each other. They would run around on the trampoline and tackle each other and then just hug each other. I do think they understood that it was going to be a very long time before they would see each other. We would love to take a trip this summer and see where they are living. I think they would both love to see each other again. And to be honest, I would love to see them again too.
The Bianco Family, we miss you and hope to see you sometime this summer:)
 Here is a typical Walter and Josiah picture being silly.

 Best Friends...

Best Friends being silly.

 What a handsome boy!

 Silly Boy..

I can't help but think of this song when I look at these pictures. They both love the "Toy Story"movies. So this is perfect!!!

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
Just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got troubles, well I've got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together and we see it through
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

Some other folks might be
A little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger too
But none of them will ever love you the way I do
It's me and you
And as the years go by
Boys, our friendship will never die
You're gonna see
It's our destiny
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Raking Leaves

We learned that mom has a LOT of oak trees in her yard. It was amazing. We told the kids the day before that we were going to Oma's house to rake her yard. And let me tell you, they were not looking forward to it. And honestly, I really wan't either. But if you saw her yard, it was looking pretty bad. you couldn't even see her drive way or even the grass. So...we told the kids that ALL of us were going to help and that the less we complain the more we would get done. We started raking at 11:30am and the picture above was taken probably about 15-20 minutes into it. We made one big pile of leaves so the kids could jump into it. You know every child LOVES jumping into a pile of leaves. Ok, maybe not EVERY child because Jesse decided that he really didn't want to do that.

I am loving these pictures:)

 Max even came out to help bark at us!

Jesse's job was to take the garbage bags to the side of the road.
He did a very good job.

Max over seeing our job skills.

I had to add this picture so you can actually see SOME of the leaves in the yard. And yes, I told mom to go inside and relax while we raked her yard but she wanted to help too. So her job was to be the pooper scooper.

  Nap Time!!
You get tired from all that raking.

I just had to share this picture.

She's got her daddy's eyes.

I have to say, they all did a wonderful job.There was some complaining but not a lot. They knew we were there to help Oma. It took us about 7 hours but we got it done!!!

77 Bags, 7 hours later and STILL smiling!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

12 & 50

I know, I know...its been about 3 months since I have updated the blog. But here I am. Finally:)
Joel turned 12 on December 6th. I can't believe he is 12...One year away from being a teenager!!! NO!!!!! I can't be a mother of a preteen?!?!
We had a nice night. Because his birthday was on a Tuesday (school day), we took it pretty easy. And since he is pretty much (by his standards) "too big" for a birthday party...we just had a family night. I made him his requested dinner: asparagus, garlic mashed potatoes with chives, shrimp and flaky biscuits. This is what he wanted to eat. I believe he enjoyed it.

And as you can tell, Josiah loves the shrimp too:)

After dinner, we went ahead and give him his present(s). Terry and I decided that since he is 12 now he would be able to get his own key to the house. As you can tell from the pictures, he was very excited about it. He feels very grown up now:)

And then he got the big present:) Well, something he could actually do something with. So, can you guess what it was....

You guessed it, a Lego set... The General Grievous Starfighter. You can give him any kind of Lego set and you know that he will be happy:)
We really did have a nice day. As I write this (on Friday, January 20th) he is having a sleep over with one of his best friends, Sal. They were supposed to do it during the Christmas break but it didn't work out. They love being together and it is amazing how much these boys are alike. They have been friends since 5k and they are still friends. I thank God for Sal and the entire family. We have so much fun together!

One Week Later...

It was Terry's birthday. And not just any birthday...
A Very imorpotant birthday.
Yes, he turned...
(As you can tell from the picture, we didn't have a "5" candle so we had to make it a math problem).

Another day that was nice. We didn't do a "huge" thing but had a nice family day celebrating Terry's birthday. We are so thankful for him. He is a wonderful husband and an awesome father to our 4 children. Thank you Terry, for working so hard for us so we can do the things we love:)

Happy Birthday!!!!