During Christmas break, Jesse and Terry worked very hard on getting caught up on all his activities from his Cub Scout hand book. One of the activities he had to do was cook dinner. So that is what we did. He decided he wanted to make spaghetti so I went and got all the ingredients from the store and we got started. He put on my apron and started cutting the onion, green, yellow and red bell peppers. Once we got everything cut he browned the meat. He did a really good job and you could tell he was really enjoying himself:)
Of course we had to be a bit silly too:)
Look at how proud he is of the final product.
And it tasted good too. It made a lot so we got to enjoy it again a few days later.
***Tonight Terry and Jesse worked on some more cub scout assignments and he is officially a "WOLF" tonight. He is So exctied. And I am very proud of him. He has such a good time with the Cub scouts. I can't wait to see what God has in store for him with the cub scouts/boy scouts. Who knows, maybe HE will go all the way and become an eagle scout!