So a few months ago, I did a baby shower for my friend Raluca. Can I tell you, I had SO much fun. I had been searching the internet for some cute ideas. And since this was her second child, I thought it would be fun to do something different. So I came across this website...a Milk and Cookies theme baby shower. I had so much fun getting it ready. I had to drink LOT of these. But I didn't mind, and I think I got Joel into drinking these now too:) Luckily people were willing to help me out with making cookies.
Before the shower, the kids each drew a picture for Raluca.
2% Milk because this is Baby number 2!!
My friend Angie and I made these cookies. I think they came out very cute.
Thanks Raluca, for letting me do this for you. I have really enjoyed helping you and Justin out with Alina while you guys were going to school and work. I will miss you guys when you move. Thank you for trusting me to take care of your little girl for the past 2 years. I love you guys!!!